[ Kambia, Sierra Leone]
Greetings from Sierra Leone, or Salone as it’s called in the local dialect, Krio.
At long last!
I arrived here early yesterday afternoon, concluding an uneventful ride out of Guinea, a more or less painless border crossing, and considerable time huddled at a Sierra Leonean military outpost waiting for a rainy-season deluge to abate.
Exiting Guinea by the 14th was a visa-driven must, but now that I’m in Sierra Leone I have plenty of time. Immediately upon my entrance into Kambia I met some wonderful folks who helped me sort out a few chores and encouraged me to join them for a beer. I did. Seemed a good idea, so I had another. Decided that I might as well linger another day here, get a feel for things, and maybe take some pics. Good call.
Also, turns out that there are no ATMs in Sierra Leone outside of Freetown (somewhere I’m not going), so I’m trying to make other arrangements which will likely take yet another day. On a positive note, these things only take time and patience, and I’ve got an abundance of the former and more-than-ever-before of the latter.
As usual, I hope you’re all happy and healthy, warm and fuzzy, safe and sound.