
Morocco 3: Piste 1507

[ Tazenakht, Morocco ]

After almost a week’s rest in Ouarzazate, I started 2018 with a bang. And by “bang” I mean “piste”–in the Sahara and Sahel region, this can mean any sort of unpaved trail. In my case, it meant P1507, a gravel road of nearly 70km between Ouarzazate and Tazenakht.

The first day was the best day I’ve had on the bike thus far: tiny road, zero traffic, stunning landscapes, and virtually uninhabited. I had moments where I was strongly reminded of Mongolia, including my first (and second, and third) flat tires of the trip. This leads to one very strongly worded piece of advice: do not EVER, FOR ANY REASON, use self-healing inner tubes when bike touring. They are worse than useless, make it nigh impossible to actually patch the tube on-the-spot, and spew neon green ooze all over everything. Never ever again!

Also fantastic on this first day? The camping. FINALLY I got to stealth camp and enjoy Mother Nature a bit with no interruptions for my “security.” First time I was able to cook, too. An incredible night, if a bit on the cold side (it got down to just above freezing).

Day two was also difficult and exposed, with no traffic at all except a couple of guys on mopeds, and when I reached Tazenakht I was more than ready for a hot shower and a room. I decided I’d stay a day to do laundry, repair my bike tubes, clean the drivetrain, and reload my larder for the next stretch. Slowly my legs are getting stronger, but with two years ahead of me, there’s no hurry.

Enjoy the pics, and a Happy 2018 to one and all!


Better Piste Off than Piste On?


Morocco 3: Piste 1507