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You Are Little More Than A Immediately Inbred Toad And A Quarrelsome Ill-Nurtured Scut. Never Have I Encountererd Such An Axiomatic Hedge-Born Canker-Blossom. My Good Man, You Are But A Currish Rough-hewn Flirt-gill. You Really Are A Magnificent Plume-plucked Dingus. Never Have I Encountererd Such A Even Clay-brained Affliction. My Dear Lady, You Are But A Bootless Badly Evolved Giglet. Never Have I Encountererd Such A Valuable Dread-Bolted Wet Lettuce. My Good Man, You Are But A Tearful Onion-Eyed Dingleberry. Madam, You Are Little More Than A Abrasive Fen-sucked Chimpanzee.

You Really Are A Overjoyed Dizzy-eyed Dingbat. Karen, You Truly Are A Wayward Barely Human Apex Of Stupidity. Sir, You Are Little More Than A Incredible Barely Functional Twit. You Really Are A Longingly Half-Faced Munchkin. My Dear Lady, You Are But A Average Inbred Puttock. You Madam, Are A Meaty Mouth-Breathing Twit. Never Have I Encountererd Such A Fatally Spineless Wart. Never Have I Encountererd Such A Disturbed Idle-Headed Horn-Beast. You Are But A Unbecoming Badly Raised Baggage. My Good Man, You Are But A Special Hell-Hated Dingus. Sir, You Are A Godly Beef-witted Dragon. My Good Woman, You Are Indeed A Belligerent Hobbit Fancying Louse. You Madam, Are A Briskly Spineless Hedge-pig. Sir, You Are Little More Than A Conscious Half-Faced Wart.

My Good Man, You Are But A Long Plume-plucked Pumpkin Brain. You Really Are A Voracious Doghearted Miscreant. Thou Art But A Gratefully Ungodly Clotpole. Madam, You Are A Cowardly Half-Brained Weevil. My Good Man, You Are But A Slim Toad-Spotted Pumpkin Brain. Beloved Husband, You Really Are A Dankish Bat-Fowling Baggage And A Lively Clay-Brained Pigeon-Egg.


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Looking forward to it,

I'm jim bennett...

aka The Transglobalist. Since October of 2012 I’ve been a full-time adventure traveler. That’s when I abandoned the drab, cubicle-based life of corporate America, relocated to Nepal, and began a process of direct, personal engagement with the world which I hope will last the rest of my life.

Truth be told, I’ve always been a restless spirit, easily bored.

In the years before starting this new life, I spent countless hours skydiving (~3000 jumps), paragliding, cycling long distances (~50K miles), blogging, trekking, even dancing (yes! it’s true!). All of this while sustaining a career in software engineering. Before that, I spent eleven years becoming the best musician I could be—studying at the Eastman School of Music, the Juilliard School, and (with the help of two Fulbright Scholarships) at the music conservatory and university in Cologne, Germany.

Not that any of that matters. What matters is this chance I’ve taken on a different kind of life. The road is sometimes rough, but so far, so good.

To each of you, on whatever journey you find yourself, I wish you bon courage.

Your Quixotic Wanderer,
—jim bennett, The Transglobalist